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Thursday, 31 October 2019

New National Education Policy 2019 Pdf Download Key Feature Of Education Policy

New National Education Policy 2019 Pdf Download Key Feature Of Education Policy

Introduction Of New Education Policy ::: Education is a basic ingredient for achieving full human potential. Providing universal access to an education of high quality is the key to India’s continued ascent, progress, and leadership on the global stage–in terms of economic development, social justice and equality, environmental stewardship, scientific advancement, and cultural preservation. India possesses the highest number of young people of any country entering school over the next decade, and the extent to which high quality educational opportunities are presented to them will determine the direction of the future of India and its people.

Short Introduction Of Previous Education Policy ::

The previous policies on education have justifiably been preoccupied largely with issues of access and equity, but as a result have unfortunately dropped the baton with regard to quality of education. The implementation of the two previous education policies, especially with regards to quality, remains largely incomplete. The unfinished agenda of the National Policy on Education 1986, Modified in 1992 (NPE 1986/92), is appropriately dealt with in this Policy. A major development since the formulation of the National Education Policy 1986/92 has been the establishment of Constitutional and legal underpinnings for achieving universal elementary education.

School education In New Education Policy :; 

Over 85% of a child’s cumulative brain development occurs prior to the age of 6, indicating the critical importance of appropriate care and stimulation of the brain in a child’s early years for healthy brain development and growth. It is therefore of the utmost importance that every child has access to quality early childhood care and education (ECCE). Presently, quality ECCE is not available to most young children, particularly children from economically disadvantaged families. Investment in ECCE has the potential to give all young children such access, enabling all children to participate and flourish in the educational system throughout their lives. ECCE is perhaps the greatest and most powerful equaliser.

New Strucure Of School Education: 

Restructuring school curriculum and pedagogy in a new design
The curricular and pedagogical structure of school education will be reconfigured to make them responsive and relevant to the developmental needs and interests of learners at different stages of their development, corresponding to the age ranges of 3-8, 8-11, 11-14, and 14-18 years, respectively. The curricular and pedagogical structure and the curricular framework for school education will therefore be guided by a 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 design, consisting of the Foundational (3 years of preschool + Grades 1-2), Preparatory (Grades 3-5), Middle (Grades 6-8), and High (Grades 9-12 in two phases, i.e. 9 and 10 in one and 11 and 12 in the.

Education in the local language/mother tongue: 

It is well-understood that young children learn and grasp nontrivial concepts most quickly in their home language/mother tongue. Thus, when possible, the medium of instruction – till at least Grade 8 - will be the home language/mother tongue/local language. Thereafter, the home/local language shall continue to be taught as a language wherever possible. High-quality textbooks, including in science, will be made available in home languages. In cases where home-language textbook material is not available, the language of transaction between teachers and students will still remain the home language when possible. Teachers will be encouraged to use a bilingual approach, including bilingual teaching-learning materials, with those students whose home language may be different from the medium of instruction.

National textbooks with local content and flavour:

The reduction in, and increased flexibility of, school curriculum content - and the renewed emphasis on constructivist rather than rote learning - must be accompanied by parallel changes in school textbooks. All textbooks shall aim to contain the essential core material  together with discussion, analysis, examples, and applications) deemed important on a national level, but at the same time contain any desired nuances and supplementary material in accordance with local contexts and needs. Where possible, teachers will also have choices in the textbooks they employ - from among a set of textbooks that contain the requisite national and local material - so that they may teach in a manner that is best suited to their own desired teaching styles and their students’ and communities’ needs.

Assessment Formula In New Education Policy : 

  • 4.24. The aim of assessment in the culture of our schooling system will shift from one that primarily tests rote memorisation skills to one that is more formative, is competency based, promotes learning and development for our students, and tests higher-order skills such as analysis, critical thinking, and conceptual clarity. The primary purpose of assessment will indeed be for learning - it will help the teacher and student - and the entire schooling system - continuously revise teaching learning processes in order to optimise learning and development for all students. This will be the underlying principle for assessment at all levels of education.
  • 4.25. The current nature of secondary school exams, including Board exams and entrance exams - and the resulting coaching culture of today - are doing much harm, especially at the secondary school level, replacing valuable time for true learning with excessive exam coaching and preparation. These exams also force students to learn a very narrow band of material in a single stream, rather than allowing the flexibility and choice that will be so important in the individualized education system of the future. The existing system of entrance examinations shall be reformed to eliminate the need for undertaking coaching for ‘cracking’ the examination.

Teacher Recruitment In New Education Policy: 

  • 5.2. To ensure that truly excellent students enter the teaching profession - especially from rural areas - a large number of merit-based scholarships shall be instituted across the country for study at outstanding 4-year integrated B.Ed. programmes. In rural areas, special merit- based scholarships will be established that also include preferential employment in their local areas upon successful completion of their B.Ed. programmes. Such scholarships will providlocal job opportunities to outstanding local students (especially female students), so that thes students may serve as local-area role models and as highly-qualified teachers who speak th local language. Incentives will be provided for outstanding teachers to take teaching jobs i rural areas, especially in areas with the greatest current teacher shortages and greatest needs for outstanding teachers. A key incentive for teaching in rural schools will be the provision of local housing near or on the school premises.
  • 5.3. The harmful practice of excessive teacher transfers will be halted, to ensure that teachers can build relationships with and become invested in their communities, and so that students have continuity in their role models and educational environments. Transfers will occur in very special circumstances, e.g., to solve two body or other family-related issues, or for promotions of outstanding teachers and administrators to leadership positions, as suitably laid down in a

  • 5.4. Teacher Eligibility Tests (TETs) will be strengthened to better test material correlated to being outstanding teachers, both in terms of content and pedagogy. The TETs will also be extended to cover teachers across all stages (Foundational, Preparatory, Middle and Secondary) of school education. For subject teachers, suitable TET test scores in the corresponding subjects will also be taken into account for recruitment. To gauge passion and motivation for teaching, a classroom demonstration or interview will become an integral part of teacher hiring at schools and school complexes; these interviews would also be used to assess comfort and proficiency in teaching in the local language, so that every school / school complex has at least some teachers who can converse with students in the local language.


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