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Friday, 28 February 2020

Unit Test Paper solution Std 5 Aaspas Date 29-2-2020

Unit Test Paper solution Std 5  Aaspas Date 29-2-2020

Free Sewing Machine Scheme Gujarat-People of Gujarat will be able to take the benefit of this scheme. Mostly this scheme is meant for the women and few men can also take its benefit. Free Sewing Machine Scheme Gujarat has been launched by the government to empower women and other deprived member of the society. This scheme will make them independent. Also people will able to generate income from this scheme. This scheme will help people to take advantage of their skill.

Government has launched skill development programme in the country. Various skills are been taught to people in skill development programme. One such skill is sewing. This scheme will help people with sewing skills. After watching people get self employment through their skill, other people will also get the encouragement. They will also try to learn skills and this will lead to more skilled people in the country.
As we all know our country is suffering from huge population growth. This causes lack of employment in the society. Many young people are unemployed and don’t have jobs. This scheme will motivate people towards skill development programme. More and more people will try to learn skills. Thus, they will be able to generate self-employment for themselves. This will decrease the unemployment ration in the country.

sarva shixa abhiyan gujarat Take Unit Test In every month and every saturday. Unit test Taken In All government Primary schools In gujarat.  Unit test also called as Periodical assessment Test. Unit Test Taken in Standard 3 to 8 for various subject in all primary school. We also Put Unit test Paper solution in every unit test for each subject of every standard. For unit Test Paper solution also Visit our official website  Now Sarv shixa abhiyan SSA going to Give Unit test Personel notebook to Every students.

Brief  Detail of Primary school Unit Test paper Solution :::: 

Exam body ::: Sarv shixa abhiyan
Exam date :::: 29-2-2020
Standard ::: 5
Subject :::   Aaspas
category ::: paper solution
Paper solution by :::

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