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Wednesday, 25 March 2020

GCERT Text Download Std 5

GCERT Text Download Std 5

  • GCERT Text Download Std 5

Gujarat state Textbook Mandal was   receive in AD 1969 on 21st October. Since 38 year mandals main target. top   stander textbooks are   proclaim and to Gujarat students they're easily available at  sensible  cost .

To  obey and speed up the progress of primary, secondary and higher secondary education. Textbook  receive by Gujarat Government - Publication of different text books as per the syllabus.

The Gujarat State School Textbook Board has missing an  whole chapter of about 5 pages from the book of physics  let out for Gujarati medium students of Std. 12 Science this year.


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Chapter No. 12 transmission system is not given in the book of Gujarati medium students. In   addition to students and parents, teachers have been left in the lurch  supply to the serious mess of this last phase of the textbook board.

The State Textbook Board has  carry out new NCERT based textbooks in Std. 12 Science from this year. As part of which the book of physics has also exchange. But it is being  grasp from Shikshan Alma that the school textbook board has made a serious mess in the book for Gujarati medium students.

A whole chapter number fifteen of the Gujarati medium book called  transmission System has vanish . It is not printed. Gujarati medium students are  particular only books without chapter number fifteen. There is no chapter on  transmission system in the whole book. That is why the  challenge number of pages in both the parts of an English medium book is 6.

While the Gujarati medium book has less than 5 pages, it has only 5 pages in total.  called teachers believe that this pile was created due to any  fault in  evidence reading or any defect in printing
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