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Saturday, 28 November 2020

Nishtha Training Aheval Module 4 Download word file

 Nishtha Training Aheval Module 4 Download word file

National initative for school Head’s and Teacher’s holistic advancement

મોડયુલ 4 ::અઘ્યયન અઘ્યા૫ન પ્રક્રિયામાં જાતિગત શિક્ષણ નો સમાવેશન

Objective: -
In this module, importance is given to girls' education and empowerment. Preparations have been made to overcome the stereotypes and prejudices related to gender.
Content Outline: -
The introduction of gender in the whole module will explain the relationship of gender in various topics.
Introduction of Gender in the Study Study Process: -
Pro. A glimpse of the content included in the module was given by Miliroy Anand with an understanding of gender.
Understanding gender and its consequences in the education process: -
Gender should not be discriminated against in the class, gender should not only be male and female but transgender should also be recognized as the third sex.


મોડ્યુલ 4 વર્ડ ફાઇલ અહિંથી ડાઉનલોડ કરો

Activity: - II
Identifying Conservative Characteristics: -
This activity was to distinguish the characteristics seen in males and females by different symptoms.
Gender Media Picture Analysis: -
Gender friendly as well as conservative are the two types of concepts.
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