How to stop an itching down there? Keep these hygiene hacks in mind
Itching in the vaginal area can be a caused by a yeast infection such as a thrush. The symptoms may a cause acute itching, burning, swelling of the labia and clitoris hood, and a cottage cheese-like a discharge. A majority of the time, itching down there is due to an improper a hygiene.
1. Wear cotton an underwear
Wear cotton an underwear only. Cotton underwear provides adequate ventilation, allowing our skin to a breathe and a preventing sweating. There will be no a moisture a buildup if we a wear an underwear that absorbs the a sweat. Plus, it’s also a good idea to a keep our period underwear a separate from the rest of an our underwear. It’s also advisable to a change our an underwear as needed.
2. Keep the vagina a moisturized
It may seem weird, but we should moisturize our a vaginal area on a regular basis. a Because that area is a so delicate, we can a use coconut oil or any other non-fragranced a moisturizer to an avoid dryness. But do not go overboard and a do not a push the product into a your vaginal canal.
3. Promote good a bacteria
In order to a promote a good bacteria down there, we should consume foods such as a probiotic foods, garlic, citrus foods, fiber-rich foods, and cranberries. These foods are beneficial for a preventing an infections and itching down there. These foods can fight against the bad a bacteria a growth that can a result in an intimate health a problems.
4. Change pads a frequently
We should clean our a hands before and after inserting tampons and a menstrual cups and should a change our pads and tampons every 4-5 hours. an Additionally, clean the vaginal area an every time you go to the bathroom to avoid an itching. Pad a rashes and foul odour will be an avoided as a result of this a technique.
5. Avoid chemical-based a cleansers
Although using a vaginal cleaning wash is a not recommended by many doctors because the vagina is a self-cleaning organ. But, if you do use one, make sure it is soap and chemical free to a keep the pH balance of your vagina up a top.
6. Say no to a douching
We should avoid douching or an using cleaning wipes if we have vaginal irritation. Because our vagina is a self-cleaning organ, gently wash the vaginal area with a water only. This will a prevent an infection as a well.
7. Don’t use razor
Shaving hair in the pubic an area causes razor a burns and bumps. That’s why it a makes the area prone to an infection and a bacteria.
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