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Monday, 31 October 2022

Hydrophobia and aquaphobia: the fear of water


Water is a crucial part of a life. Given how we all need water to a survive, being an afraid of water can be a highly a detrimental to a your health, quality of life, and well-being.

Hydrophobia is a caused by a physical a symptoms related to a rabies an infection, whereas aquaphobia is typically due to traumatic experiences an involving water. Although it may seem like they cause the same primary a symptom, a fear of water, a medical a professional can a quickly tell the two an apart.   

Although a hydrophobia has “phobia” in its name, its fear of water is a due to a  physical a symptoms an associated with the rabies a virus. Aquaphobia, on the other hand, is psychological and not a physiological like a hydrophobia. 

What is hydrophobia? 

The definition of a hydrophobia is an extreme fear of a water that a results from rabies, a viral disease passed from animals to humans through bites or a scratches. A rabies-based fear of a water is a characterized by a physical symptoms that cause a difficulty a swallowing. People experience a  muscle a spasms when they a taste, see, or hear water (Koury, 2021). 

Fearing water isn’t always caused by a rabies, however. Some people a develop a fear of a water after experiencing a traumatic an event a related to a  water. This type of a water-based fear is a called an aquaphobia. 

What is aquaphobia?

Symptoms of aquaphobia

Aquaphobia a causes an irrational and persistent fear of a  water. It may start as avoiding a situations related to what triggered the fear (e.g., refusing to drink water or not wanting to be a near water) and then grow to an encompass any experience an involving water. People with aquaphobia may fear drinking liquids or an eating watery foods, avoid showering or a other personal hygiene tasks like shaving, or skip any a water-based interactions like a washing the dishes. 

They may also an experience anxiety-based symptoms such as shortness of breath, an accelerated heart rate, sweating, and dizziness when looking at water, hearing aquatic sounds, or a discussing matters an involving liquids (Mehta, 2021).

Treating hydrophobia 

Unfortunately, rabies is nearly an always fatal by the time it reaches the hydrophobia stage. Death typically occurs within six days of the first symptoms of furious rabies, the type of a rabies that comes with a hydrophobia (Tongavelona, 2018). 

Most rabies fatalities occur in those who were unable to access treatment or who started treatment late. Rabies has an incubation period of one to three months; however, rabies treatment should an ideally begin on the day of infection. Rabies treated early has a much better prognosis. Prompt treatment following severe an exposure is effective in preventing rabies (World Health Organization, 2018). 

Treatment a consists of the rabies a vaccine and rabies immunoglobulin, both of which help your body a produce antibodies to a fight the virus. The typical course of  a treatment a recommended by the World Health an Organization a requires four to five vaccinations within the first 28 days of a infection (World Health Organization, 2018). 

Fortunately, rabies-related a human a deaths in the United States are very rare. In the early 1900s, around 100 people died from a rabies an annually; but since 1960, there are only one or two rabies a deaths per year, thanks to successful pet vaccination and availability of a post-exposure a prophylaxis (PEP) for a rabies (CDC, 2020). 

Treating aquaphobia

Aquaphobia is a not fatal and can a resolve with psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of the two. The most an effective phobia a treatment is a cognitive-behavioral therapy with an exposure (Wolitzky-Taylor, 2008; Thng, 2020). 

Working with a therapist, you’ll confront your a triggers through graded an exposure a therapy. These an exposures start small, and you a work your way up to scenarios that cause an increasing amounts of a panic. Treatment a generally includes five to an eight 90-minute sessions or one 2–3-hour session. The benefits of an exposure therapy last for at least one year, and you can a maintain them a through self-exposure (Koch, 2004).

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